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Dr. Rasoul Yousefpour


Dr. Rasoul Yousefpour

Dr. Raoul Yousefpour

Assistant Professor (Akademischer Rat a. Z.)

Born on 22 March 1977

in Khalkhal, Iran









Projects and main research topics

  • EU Cost Actions: "PROFOUND" and "ECHOES", DFG Emmy-Nother-Indipendent-Research Program: "Forest Management in the Earth System", EU FP7 Project: "MOTIVE", EU FP6 Project: "EFORWOOD", German-French University Program "FORIX"

  • Operations Research in Forestry e. g. Optimization, Forest Modelling and Decision-making, Climate Change Risk Mangement, Adaptive Forest Mangement Modelling, Dynamic Forest and Climate Decision-making, Economic Implications of provisioning Ecosystem Goods and Services (e. g. Biodiverity, Carbon)



04.2005–12.2009: Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) "Risk Management in Forestry" , University of Freiburg, Germany: Thesis "Adaptation to Climate Change within Multi-purpose Forest Management Using Simulation-Optimization Models"

07.2000-12.2002: MSc Forestry and Forest Economcis, University of Tehran, Iran: Thesis: "Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Oriental Beech (Fagus Orientalis L.) Stands in Fandoghloo Area towards Close-to-nature Forestry System"

07.1996-06-2000: BSc Natural Resources Engineering-Forestry, University of Guilan, Iran

Professional Career

Seit 10/2014: Assistent Professor (Adademischer Rat a. Z.), Chair of  Forestry Economics and Forest Planning, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

07/2013–09/2014: Postdoc Scientist, Max-Planck-institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany

07/2013–09/2014: Postdoc Scientist, Max-Planck-institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany

05/2013–06/2013: Research Associate, Forest Research Institute of Baden Württemberg (FVA-BW), Freiburg, German

06/2010–05/2013: Postdoc, Danish Forest and Landscape Centre, University of Copenhagen

06/2010–05/2013: Postdoc, Danish Forest and Landscape Centre, University of Copenhagen

07/2009–12/2009: Research Associate, Institute of Forestry Economics, University of Freiburg

01/2009–06/2009: Research Associate, Institute of Forest Growth, University of Freiburg

01/2003–04/2005: Research Assistant, Deparment of Science and Reseach, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran

10/2004–04/2005: Private Lecturer, College of Environment, Karaj, Iran


  •   Reviewed Journals 


-Yousefpour R., Didion M., Jacobsen J. B. , Meilby H., Geerten M. Hengeveld, Schelhaas M. J. & Thorsen B. J., Modelling of Adaptation to Climate Change and Decision-makers Behaviors for Veluwe Forest Area in the Netherlands, Forest Policy and Economics (in Press)

-Yousefpour R. & Hanewinkel M., State Foresters’ Perception of Climate Change, Impacts and Forest Development in Southern Germany, Climatic Change (DOI 10.1007/s10584-015-1330-5null015-1330-5)

-Yousefpour R. & Hanewinkel M., Balancing Decisions for the Conversion of Norway Spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) Monocultures in the Black Forest Area of Germany, Forest Science 60: 73-84

-Yousefpour R., Thorsen B. J., Jacobsen J. B. & Meilby H., Knowledge update in adaptive management of forest resources under climate change: a Bayesian simulation approach, Annals of Forest Science 71: 301-312

-Yousefpour R., Temperli Ch., Elkin C., Bugmann H., Hanewinkel M., Meilby H., Jacobsen J. B. & Thorsen B.J., Updating Knowledge and Combining Evidence in Adaptive Climate Change Management, Journal of Environmental Management 122: 56-64

-Yousefpour R., Thorsen B. J., Jacobsen J. B. & Meilby H., A Review on Decision-making under Uncertainty and Risk in Forest Management, Annals of Forest Science 69:1–15

-Yousefpour R., Thinning Operations for Soil Conservation and Bio-energy Production from Norway Spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) Plantations in Denmark, Agro-forestry Systems 87: 287-294

-Yousefpour R., Hanewinkel M. & Le Moguedec G., Evaluation of Biodiversity for multi-purpose Forest management, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 8(3): 241-260

-Yousefpour R., Hanewinkel M. & Le Moguedec G., Balancing Adaptation to/Mitigation of Climate Change in the Management of Pure Norway Spruce Forest in the Black Forest Area of Southwest Germany, Environmental Management 45: 387-402

-Yousefpour R. & Hanewinkel M., Modelling of Forest Conversion Planning with an Adaptive Simulation-Optimization Approach and Simultaneous Consideration of the Values of Timber, Carbon and Biodiversity, Ecological Economics 68: 1711-1722

-Yousefpour R. & Marvie Mohadjer M. R. & Sagheb Talebi Kh., A Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Oriental Beech (Fagus Orientalis L.) in Fandoghloo Forest, Iranian Journal of Natural Resources 57(4): 703-714

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