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Special issue of the European Journal of Forest Research

ejfr_cover.jpg      A special issue of the European Journal of Forest Research with the title “Socio-Economics in Forestry” (that was initiated on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Prof Oesten and was Guest-edited by Achim Schlüter and Roderich von Detten) will soon be published.


  • Socio-economics in forestry (Editorial)
    Achim Schlüter & Roderich von Detten (siehe hier1)
  • Heiko Garrelts & Michael Flitner: Governance issues in the Ecosystem Approach: what lessons from the Forest Stewardship Council? (siehe: hier2)
  • Gloria Domínguez & Margaret Shannon :A wish, a fear and a complaint: understanding the (dis)engagement of forest owners in forest management (siehe: hier3)
  • Peter Deegen, Martin Hostettler & Guillermo A. Navarro: The Faustmann model as a model for a forestry of prices (siehe: hier4)
  • Liviu Nichiforel & Heiner Schanz: Property rights distribution and entrepreneurial rent-seeking in Romanian forestry: a perspective of private forest owners (siehe: hier5)
  • Chantal Ruppert-Winkel & Georg Winkel: Hidden in the woods? Meaning, determining, and practicing of ‘common welfare’ in the case of the German public forests (siehe: hier6)
  • Louise Fortmann & Heidi Ballard: Sciences, knowledges, and the practice of forestry (siehe: hier7)
  • Achim Schlüter & Markus Koch: Institutional change in the forest sector: trust and mental models (siehe: hier8)
  • Marc Hanewinkel & Susan Hummel & Axel Albrecht: Assessing natural hazards in forestry for risk management: a review. (siehe: hier9)
  • Roderich von Detten: Sustainability as a guideline for strategic planning? The problem of long term forest management in the face of uncertainty. (siehe hier10)
  • Errol Meidinger: Forest Certification and Democracy. (siehe hier11).